John 4:1-42
John Interlude. 4-1-1 Training
John 4:27-37
Jim, Josh, and Craig's Testimonies
John 3:22-36
John 3:4-21
John 3: 1-8
Pastor House explains what it means to be born again, and the congregation learn how to share their story to others.
John 2: 13 - 25
Pastor House teaches in John 2: 13 -25 on how we need to prepare our hearts for the Lord.
John 2:1-12
Pastor House preaches on Jesus’ first miracle.
WhiteRose’s Direction
Ken, PJ, And Shane share where WhiteRose is heading in the near future.
Experiencing God's Active Presence in Your Life
Elder Emeritus Craig Mitzelfelt tells us how to humble ourselves and how to experience God’s active presence in our lives.
John 1: 15 - 34
Pastor House looks at John chapter 1 again. In this message, we look into John the Baptist.
John 1: 1 - 14
Pastor House starts a new series in the gospel of John.
Stop, Drop, & Role
Pastor House looks at John chapters 7 & 8 to see how Jesus provides hope for the nations. When things get hopeless, listen for the helper to make sense of it all. How do we listen? We stop, drop, and role.
"Embracing Motherhood!"
Associate Pastor Shane House shares key insights from the life of a woman in the bible named Hannah, who was faced with the heartache of not being able to bear a child…she cried out to the Lord, and her story is a remarkable one of courage and God’s intervening power. It will encourage you to keep going, and to never give up while staying close to God’s love!
Prepare the Way
Associate Pastor Shane House brings the message this week, and it’s entitled, “Prepare the Way”. How does Christ expect us to prepare the way for His return? Discover the answers!
The Ridiculous Prayer Request
It’s true… God answers persistent prayer from passionate people! This is Associate Pastor Shane House sharing God’s words with us, encouraging us to make sure we understand how to be that kind of praying, persistent follower of Jesus.
Wake Up! The Day of the Lord is Near!
WhiteRose Elder Emeritus Mr. Jim Kreid challenges Christ's followers to not be caught off-guard by the Lord's return, and to be serious about doing His work while we have this moment in time to do so!